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Wallace Wattles – The Science of Getting Rich

Wallace WattlesIn less than a week now I will be at the Science of Getting Rich seminar in Los Angeles. The seminar is given by Bob Proctor and it’s based on the original book by Wallace Wattles. It starts of with the “right” to be rich. I really like this concept. Many authors even talk about the “obligation” to become wealthy and the “sin” to remain poor. I believe more and more that becoming rich is part of my life’s mission. Spirit is all about expansion and I now understand how the process of acquiring wealth is related to knowing myself better. I also remember Marianne Williamson who said that we are not as afraid of our weaknesses as we are afraid of our grandeur, our own magnificence and our ability to accomplish astounding things.

I somewhat always knew that I was meant to become a millionaire. Since as far as I can remember, I always said to my friends that a pleasure that is free, such as gazing at the starry sky, is worth as much as a thousand-dollar evening in a fancy hotel and restaurant. How can you tell which one is worth more? There might be one that cost more, but the outcome amounts to the same level of satisfaction. And both are complementary to each other. You can’t always depend on expensive activities to find your pleasure because you’ll eventually lose the value of money. That’s what happened to me when I lived my 6-figure lifestyle. But the opposite is also true: only being able to afford free of very cheap pleasures keeps you in the envy of having more freedom.

In order to be truly happy, you need to feel total freedom. And that level of freedom only comes when your financial resources are vast. If you haven’t watched it already, take a look at my video on Changing Your Mindset to Become a Millionaire. I also stumbled upon the blog of a 23 year old who gave himself the objective of becoming a millionaire by 25. He unfortunately failed to achieve his goal, but at least he tried, and I’m sure he’ll keep trying.

So what is your reason for not doing it? Fear of failure? Did you know that a vast majority of people on their deathbeds don’t regret their mistakes but regret what they haven’t tried? I remind myself of this when I feel discouraged and I keep on trying!

Happy trying!

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It’s not about the money

I started reading “It’s not about the money” from Bob Proctor. And it just started making a lot of sense all of a sudden! That’s the most important thing I learned while being at the Matrixx!! It’s not about the money! And I’m just realizing it now! Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich is not about the money either! It’s about the…

M I N D S E T ! ! !


I sat with millionaires and billionaires at the event and I was surprised at how NOT different they were from me! They were going through the same struggles of finding out what they wanted out of life, what their true purpose and goals were. So the difference in their wealth or mine was not that their goals were better defined or achieved, it was that they had embraced a wealth mindset!

I also saw a friend yesterday and I was telling him that my most exciting change in my life right now is that I’m not only trying to make a lot of money, I now BELIEVE that it can happen! And once you have that belief, then the energy and the ideas will simply surge continuously until your external situation aligns with your internal situation of abundance!

Funny enough, it’s that same friend that made me discover the song: It’s not about the money – which became our theme song during our last trip to Cuba.

Video: It’s not about the money

And if you are interested by the book, here is a link to it:

Bob Proctor – It’s not about the money (Book)

Bob Proctor – It’s not about the money (Audio Book)

I’ll write more as I get deeper into the book!
