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Emotional Rollercoaster

Emotional RollercoasterLast weekend was an emotional rollercoaster. I discovered two weeks ago at the Mission to Millions seminar that I had unresolved childhood pains that I needed to heal. Logically, I deducted that I had to reexamine my past and reprocess some childhood memories. But then, I realized that maybe I could simply focus on what I want: I don’t necessarily have to look at the past in order to heal it! After all, am I not a fervent Bob Proctor fan who believes that what you focus on expands? I feel shocked to have so easily forgotten about it! I need to focus more on what I desire than on what I don’t!

I believe that you in fact need to do both. As Bob Proctor says in his book It’s Not About the Money, you need to balance self-acceptance with the urge for growth and development of a wealth mindset. I also already talked about it in my articles Anxiety or Boredom and Using Gratitude with the Law of Attraction. I understand that in order to manifest what you want quickly, you need to create a “bridge” between now and what you want, so that you already feel good with what you have but also feel good about what’s coming.

Back to the emotional rollercoaster though, I also discovered that all the “downs” come with higher “ups” in between. If I feel negative emotions rising up in me, I know that greater freedom is also on its way. It usually takes a few days to understand why I was feeling off, but when the breakthrough happens, it suddenly all makes sense. For example, I started a new yoga class yesterday that brought up unsuspected sorrow that I feel for events that are about a year old. I was surprised to see them bubble up, but I know that it happened so that it would make room for something better.

It takes some time to realize that the emotional rollercoaster is overall slightly going upwards. When I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, the trainer, Robert Riopelle, said that when you raise your vibration, you sill have ups and downs, but your ups are higher, and your downs are higher too. He even said that he reached a point where his new downs were higher than his old ups! And I also slowly see that happening in my life.

The overall lesson here is to keep your discipline if you want to move forward. Know with absolute certainty that, if you remain discipline, even with the setbacks, you life will eventually get better. As Bob Proctor says time and again, success happens by law, not by chance.

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Mission to Millions: A Life Directions Intensive

I just came back from Mission to Millions: A Life Directions Intensive seminar. Once again, Peak Potentials over delivered! Like with the other seminar that I did with them: Millionaire Mind Intensive, I felt like leaving on the first day. Not that the seminar wasn’t interesting, but rather because my paradigm (my existing beliefs) doesn’t want things to change. It is naturally resistant to new information that challenges the existing beliefs, even if the new information is better than the old one. I’m always amazed to witness the persistence of the bad programming that lives inside of us.

When I got to the seminar, I had already visualized a clear picture of what I wanted to do in life for over a year: I wanted to become a trainer just like Bob Proctor. The perfect life I had been visualizing was a picture with a lot of details to ensure that my mind had a definite image to work with. On the second day of the seminar though, that picture was shattered. We did many exercises that made me question my project and someone told me that I was in the process of painting a beautiful piece of art but that it was still incomplete.

Letting go of such a reassuring clear picture can be very panicking. Luckily for me, because of my awareness in how I function, I wasn’t too distracted by the uncertainty that comes with letting go. I know that being in the unknown is a place of greater open-mindedness. So I continued forward. There was also a bunch of life coaches present at the event so I went to see some of them to get reassurance. They told me what I already knew, which was to keep moving forward. Even while feeling totally disoriented, I continued crafting my vision and writing what my subconscious was telling me.

And that’s where the magic happened. Because my mind was so opened, because I had made room and let go the old picture, I had what we call a “download”. The words came out naturally, without having to think about them. It’s an experience that is quite difficult to explain, and I think you really have to experience it in order to fully understand it. It feels like the words come out from directly from the heart, without even going through the brain. They go directly from the heart, bypassing the brain, actioning the hand that’s writing. So here’s what my heart told me my mission is:

“My Mission is to Transcend who I am, to Touch millions of people, to Move them and to Ignite in them the desire to Elevate themselves.”

Once my mission was determined, which represents the destination, we had to come up with the vehicles to get there, also called the vision. I struggled a little bit more with that part. The speaking career was still present, but writing a book felt like a step that had to occur beforehand. Strangely, I don’t really “feel” like writing a book and going through the writing process, which I perceive as long and boring. But I still feel that this is part of my mission to write something, so I know this will happen.

On top of all these personal discoveries, we also had many exercises to strengthen our learning. I already talked about the energy of live seminars. I must say that Peak Potentials are excellent at translating theory into powerful anchoring exercises. They keep saying that: “What you hear, you forget; what you see, you remember; what you do, you understand” and I totally believe in that. In my heart, Bob Proctor remains the master of theory, but T Harv Eker’s seminars offer the best tools to implement that theory.

An example of this is the drawing we made to express our vision. I rarely think about “drawing” my journal but this allows the representation of concepts that often cannot be expressed with words. So here’s what I drew at the seminar when I was totally lost regarding what the vehicle for my mission should be.

Mission to Millions

This drawing allowed me to see my priorities in life. More than anything, it showed me what I want to “BE” instead of what I want to do or have, like we usually focus on. On the picture, we can see me represented by the Yin Yang for inner peace. This theme kept coming back in all my exercises so I can now clearly see that I need to channel greater energy into improving my inner peace. My drawing also shows the earth energy moving up and the cosmic energy moving trough me. The smiling faces below me represent my students. We can also see my books taking flight, my home full of love, my heart expanding and my connection with animals, which is a new theme that surprised me. Finally, the plane represents all the travel I want to do and we can even see my diplomatic passport at the bottom, which I deeply wanted many years ago, but had long forgotten about. I don’t understand exactly what all of this means, but one thing is for sure: I am totally in love with this drawing! I feel like a child who is so proud of what he drew that the most natural thing is to share it with the world! I posted the original next to my bed to visualize it mornings and nights. I definitely want to move towards the state of BEING represented on my drawing.

Another thing we learned at the seminar is the correct order in which things should happen. Most people want to “have” a lot of possessions or wealth in order to “be” loved or to believe they are worthy. We also learned that happiness arises from the reverse equation, which is to “be” what we want first in order to “do” what we love which will produce the wealth we will “have”.

This is just a quick overview of what happened at the Mission to Millions seminar. Obviously, you get greater results if you have an open mind and have already worked on what you want to do in life. But the money invested to attend is totally worth it. If you want, you can start by the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, which is free. That will give you a good taste of what you can expect at Mission to Millions.

If you are interested in learning more about finding your life’s purpose, my book Grow With the Flow gives you many concrete exercises to do so.

Otherwise, let me know what other great seminars and books have helped you move forward in finding your life’s purpose. I struggled so long to find what I want to do in life that I now feel the desire to help others find their own missions!

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Rising Above Your Circumstances

Rising Above Your CircumstancesRising above your circumstances. Have you ever experienced the flow state? That moment when you feel like time doesn’t exist anymore? You feel like the world is yours and that all obstacles have become opportunities! Well, I did tonight! I visited a friend and we retried one of the Millionaire Mind exercises about the beliefs around money. Questions were flying and the awareness was rising! I said it to another friend this morning and I reconfirmed tonight: you don’t need to know how to get out of your problems, you simply need to raise your awareness to a level above them. I heard Bob Proctor say it a few times, but I never understood this concept to that depth before tonight. Let me explain.

My previous love relationship was one of manipulation and emotional dependence. It was tough and very emotionally painful and draining. But, instead of blaming it all on my ex partner (which I did at first) I eventually recognized that if I was in a manipulative relationship, that’s because I was a manipulative person myself. If I was going back toward someone that caused me pain, that’s because I liked pain, and if I liked pain, that’s because I didn’t value myself enough and thought I deserved the bad treatment. And this is my point: I didn’t have to “learn” how to not be manipulative anymore, I didn’t have to learn how to love myself more, I simply had to become AWARE of the situation, and I gradually came out of it. When you raise your awareness, you move to a higher state ABOVE your problems where you don’t even need to resolve them anymore: they simply dissolve from the source!

How do you raise your awareness? Learn to see the positive in everything. I could very well still see that past relationship as a destructive and painful one. Instead, I choose to see the value it brought to my life and I am grateful for the learning which now allows me to enjoy a new loving and caring relationship. I accepted in me the parts that I didn’t accept of myself. Our relationships and circumstances act as a mirror which tells us what part of ourself we rejected at some point in our life and that we need to integrate again. The more we reintegrate, the more complete we feel. We gradually regain our personal power. And that is the most beautiful feeling I know!

If you want to read more on raising your awareness, please follow this link.

And don’t forget to love yourself!

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Self Hypnosis by Steve G Jones

Self HypnosisA month ago, I started using a self hypnosis mp3 by Steve G Jones. I had always been interested by self-hypnosis but had never given it a serious try. First of all, I noticed a great change in the morning: I always woke up with a VERY positive attitude! Sometimes, the positivity remained with me the entire day, sometimes, it faded in the afternoon, but I definitely saw a major change! Secondly, I also witnessed a shift in my mindset. I have been more interested in wealth creation techniques and passive income strategies and I even created a new section dedicated to the topic on my site! Thirdly, I started IMPLEMENTING some of the passive income techniques!! I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar by T Harv Eker. I’m also in the process of getting a job with an online advertising company which will allow me to learn all the inner workings of online businesses.

A few days ago, I also tried hypnosis with a professional hypnotist. It’s hard to compare how a mp3 relates to an in-person session with a hypnotist, especially because I tried the mp3 for a month and only had one session with the hypnotist, but my first impression is that hypnosis works better in person. On the other hand, it’s difficult to meet a hypnotist for a session everyday. Therefore, both are complementary. My understanding is that it works better on the long run. The subconscious mind can sometimes shift quickly, but new beliefs also need to be reinforced on a continuous basis to produce lasting effects.

You can visit the website of the hypnotist that I met by clicking here. His name is Pim and he is based out of Montreal, Canada.

You can also get Steve G Jones’ program by clicking here.

Finally, I’m also doing the Mental Bank program from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

I hope self hypnosis will prove as useful for you as it is for me!


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Millionaire Mind Intensive 2014 – Day 3

Millionaire Mind IntensiveOn day 3, we busted through our emotional blocks! It was quite fascinating to realize how emotionally attached I still was to some issues that are 10, 15 and even 20 years old! I realize that the key to making a change is ENERGY! Just like Bob Proctor says it, when you add energy to water, it changes state and becomes steam. If you add energy to a human, his or her vibrational level rises and he or she also changes state. On Day 3 of the Millionaire Mind Intensive 2014, I gained FREEDOM! I’m now free of so many fears that I had! My relationship towards money has completely changed. This is so so important when we know that the very first change that will bring more money is opening up the MINDSET for it.

I already wrote an article which compared the cost of attendance of Bob Proctor’s live seminars to the programs that you can do at home. The very first reason why you must attend a LIVE event is because of the level of ENERGY required to make a serious change in your life and which can only be found in person! There is simply no substitute to the synergy of hundreds of people going through their terror barriers all at once! Everybody’s energy contributes to everybody’s change! What’s great also is that higher energy makes changes a lot easier to occur! The only remaining though part is making the change permanent. We received a 90-day workbook after the seminar to allow us to continue the exercises and to make all this beautiful change sink into our subconscious mind. Make sure to partner up for the exercises, that will make the follow up a lot easier! After I attended Matrixx, I did the 30-day persistence exercise with a friend and I saw how much effect it had making the mindset change permanent.

Click on these links to learn what I experienced on Day 1 and Day 2 of the Millionaire Mind Intensive 2014!

If you want to find out when is the next Millionaire Mind Intensive 2014 near you, follow this link!

Finally, you can watch my video on How to Change Your Mindset to Become a Millionaire which I recorded just before the event!

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Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 2

Millionaire Mind Intensive ReviewMillionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 2

Wow wow wow! I still can hardly realize I have made that much progress in only 2 days! And, once again, it’s a free seminar so there’s absolutely NO reason not to attend it when it comes around in your city! It is DEFINITELY worth your time!! Here are some of the major breakthrough exercises for me:

1. Wearing a rubber band around my wrist to pinch it every time I have a negative thought. Every time you mentally punish yourself by holding a negative thought, you need to pinch your wrist with the rubber band to associate pain with negative thoughts. Immediately after, kiss your wrist and replace your negative thought with its positive counterpart. It’s very interesting because simply KNOWING that I am wearing the rubber band on my wrist is keeping my mind in check and ALREADY creating very positive change in my thoughts!!

2. Realizing the obsolescence of many of my beliefs and convincing myself that they need to be changed. We did an exercise where we had to pick 3 beliefs from a list that are limiting ourselves in creating wealth. We told those beliefs to our partner and we then had to convince him or her that the opposite belief was serving us better. It was like comforting the inner child! Very powerful exercise!!

3. Realizing how a money-related story that took place when I was 5 years old still has an effect on me! We had to go deep in our childhood and think about the influence our parent’s beliefs had on us. By describing and re-experiencing the event with our adult mind, we can gain a better perspective on it and disengage the emotional stress is originally caused. You are then freed from the past as you update your beliefs to your current adult reality.

That’s only 3 of all the exercises we did! They were the most meaningful for me but there are also many more powerful mind shifting exercises that, once again, are definitely worth your time spent at the Millionaire Mind Intensive!

Follow this link to read about Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 1

Follow this link to read about Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 3


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Millionaire Mind Intensive – Day 1

Millionaire MindI just finished Day 1 of the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar by T Harv Eker. It was PHENOMENAL!! Plus, the event is totally free! It’s definitely worth attending! It’s funny because I keep comparing it with Bob Proctor’s Matrixx that cost me $15k. I have to come to the conclusion that both events are equally valuable, even though in very different ways. Matrixx really teaches you how mind works and how to understand yourself better as a person. Millionaire Mind Intensive gives you practical exercises to manage your money better and to deeply change your relationship towards it.

Today, my subconscious mind surprised me by taking me deep back into my childhood memories. I became aware of the source of some of my beliefs around money. It’s very powerful stuff because I’ve been studying my beliefs and subconscious mind for some time now but I uncovered beliefs that I never knew existed and still had a major influence on my present. It’s only the first day and we apparently go deeper in the next two days!

It wasn’t exciting the entire day though. Around mid-day, I even wondered if I was going to stay! We listen with our emotions they say and my emotions weren’t into it. My belief that a free seminar isn’t worth much was strong! But they also said that sticking until the end is important so I stayed. Persistence has also become an important part of my life and I like to finish what I commit to.

Lastly, like I heard many times before, it is true that they will try hard to sell you other seminars during the weekend. That somewhat has to be expected at a free seminar. Although that was also present at Bob Proctor Matrixx, it was simply not Bob Proctor selling his own material.

Overall, I will say like most comments that I heard prior to coming to Millionaire Mind Intensive: it’s definitely worth you time, simply do not bring your credit card at the event!

Watch my YouTube video on becoming a millionaire here!

To your wealth!