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The Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – review day 2

Millionaire MindThe Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – Day 2.

Today, I felt like leaving the seminar! Not that it was bad, but simply that my subconscious mind (my paradigm) feels threatened by the information. I wrote earlier that one of the roles of the subconscious mind is to leave things unchanged. The subconscious fears the unknown and it prefers to keep me in my current safer position. What my heart is telling me to do is to TEACH! That’s a really strong feeling that I’ve been feeling for a long time but because I’m ignoring the calling, I felt like I was in this seminar for no reason. What’s the use of being here if I don’t apply the theory? My mind is just telling me to act or to leave, not to stay and keep taking in more information.

Still, because I’m more and more aware of my own defence mechanisms, I knew it was the most important time to stay. So I’m glad I did. I had a similar experience at the Millionaire Mind seminar where I was bored and I didn’t see the point in staying but it definitely paid off to stay until the end.

The Q&A lunch with Bob Proctor wasn’t as useful as I expected. First of all, I was expecting it to me more intimate… but there were 180 people! We could write questions on little cards and Bob answered a few of them. I know that I can’t compare this to Matrixx where there were only 50 participants in total and I got 3 or 4 chances to speak with Bob for 5 to 10 minutes. But still, I was a little disappointed.

In the afternoon session, there was a guest comedian, Kyle Cease, who was really good! He also offered his own seminar which I would definitely attend if I wasn’t so short on money right now. Anik Singal from the Inbox Blueprint was there too and it was interesting to hear him talk. I didn’t purchase his program but it’s always good to meet the person and know that they really exist!

There is only 1 day left to the seminar! I feel much more positive now and I hope this will be my breakthrough day!


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Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 2

Millionaire Mind Intensive ReviewMillionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 2

Wow wow wow! I still can hardly realize I have made that much progress in only 2 days! And, once again, it’s a free seminar so there’s absolutely NO reason not to attend it when it comes around in your city! It is DEFINITELY worth your time!! Here are some of the major breakthrough exercises for me:

1. Wearing a rubber band around my wrist to pinch it every time I have a negative thought. Every time you mentally punish yourself by holding a negative thought, you need to pinch your wrist with the rubber band to associate pain with negative thoughts. Immediately after, kiss your wrist and replace your negative thought with its positive counterpart. It’s very interesting because simply KNOWING that I am wearing the rubber band on my wrist is keeping my mind in check and ALREADY creating very positive change in my thoughts!!

2. Realizing the obsolescence of many of my beliefs and convincing myself that they need to be changed. We did an exercise where we had to pick 3 beliefs from a list that are limiting ourselves in creating wealth. We told those beliefs to our partner and we then had to convince him or her that the opposite belief was serving us better. It was like comforting the inner child! Very powerful exercise!!

3. Realizing how a money-related story that took place when I was 5 years old still has an effect on me! We had to go deep in our childhood and think about the influence our parent’s beliefs had on us. By describing and re-experiencing the event with our adult mind, we can gain a better perspective on it and disengage the emotional stress is originally caused. You are then freed from the past as you update your beliefs to your current adult reality.

That’s only 3 of all the exercises we did! They were the most meaningful for me but there are also many more powerful mind shifting exercises that, once again, are definitely worth your time spent at the Millionaire Mind Intensive!

Follow this link to read about Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 1

Follow this link to read about Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 3


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Millionaire Mind Intensive – Day 1

Millionaire MindI just finished Day 1 of the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar by T Harv Eker. It was PHENOMENAL!! Plus, the event is totally free! It’s definitely worth attending! It’s funny because I keep comparing it with Bob Proctor’s Matrixx that cost me $15k. I have to come to the conclusion that both events are equally valuable, even though in very different ways. Matrixx really teaches you how mind works and how to understand yourself better as a person. Millionaire Mind Intensive gives you practical exercises to manage your money better and to deeply change your relationship towards it.

Today, my subconscious mind surprised me by taking me deep back into my childhood memories. I became aware of the source of some of my beliefs around money. It’s very powerful stuff because I’ve been studying my beliefs and subconscious mind for some time now but I uncovered beliefs that I never knew existed and still had a major influence on my present. It’s only the first day and we apparently go deeper in the next two days!

It wasn’t exciting the entire day though. Around mid-day, I even wondered if I was going to stay! We listen with our emotions they say and my emotions weren’t into it. My belief that a free seminar isn’t worth much was strong! But they also said that sticking until the end is important so I stayed. Persistence has also become an important part of my life and I like to finish what I commit to.

Lastly, like I heard many times before, it is true that they will try hard to sell you other seminars during the weekend. That somewhat has to be expected at a free seminar. Although that was also present at Bob Proctor Matrixx, it was simply not Bob Proctor selling his own material.

Overall, I will say like most comments that I heard prior to coming to Millionaire Mind Intensive: it’s definitely worth you time, simply do not bring your credit card at the event!

Watch my YouTube video on becoming a millionaire here!

To your wealth!

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Millionaire Mind seminar with T Harv Eker

Hello! Tonight I have a video for you! Starting tomorrow, and for the next 3 days, I’m attending the Millionaire Mind seminar with T Harv Eker and I’ll give you my feedback at the end of each day.

I hope you find the information useful!
