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How to remove emotional blockages

I really want to start a speaking career. Last Sunday, I completed my training to start doing demystification of homosexuality in high schools. That’s a great start! But why am I not putting more efforts into my real DREAM of becoming a speaker who talks about what I post on this blog. I sincerely want to teach people how to live better lives, to know themselves better, to find their passions and to realize their dreams! I believe that I have a blockage in my subconscious that is preventing me from moving forward. So how do I remove emotional blockages? How do I uncover that counterproductive belief which is still invisible to me? How do I get a new “Ah-Ha!” moment similar to the one I had when Bob Proctor was questioning me about my wall preventing me from tapping into abundance?remove emotional blockages

The best solution I see is to have question me like Bob Proctor did. When the questions come from outside, then it breaks your own circular pattern of thoughts. It allows the opening for new perspectives that are unreachable from a single point of view.

  1. Ask someone to question you about your blockage.
  1. Do a mind-mapping exercise: write the word at the center of your preoccupation in the center of a page and write around it all the words that come to your mind in relation to your focus word. You’ll be surprised at all the connections that your mind can make!
  1. Meditate. This is a long term solution, but the most permanent as well. I’ve been meditating for 3 years now and I definitely see the benefits! It has changed my life! When you meditate, visualize the blockage dissolving or, if you are unaware of what is blocking you, simply imagine the situation improving.
  1. Try Reiki! I’ve been doing it for about a year and I feel it really helped me solve subconscious issues. I also saw a psychologist for a few years and it helped but I find that Reiki works faster and without having to consciously pinpoint the issue.

Read my post about Reiki here