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Motivation Comes from Action

Motivation Comes from Action. Many people ask themselves how they could increase their motivation to realize their projects or to do their self-help programs. I like Bob Proctor’s answer on that who compares it to falling in love. Do you have to motivate yourself to see the other person when you are in love? No, not at all. Motivation comes naturally from within ourselves. Well, it’s the same thing for projects and self-help. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, that’s because you’re not enough in love with the idea… yet. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make any efforts towards your goals. Because, before you can fall in love with a project, you need to make space for it.

When I look at my love life, the first few guys I dated were chosen with very rational criteria. I was looking for guys who had the same interests and corresponded to my physical preferences. With time though, and by letting go of some of the rationality, I found candidates with whom I shared a much stronger spiritual and heart to heart connection. Interestingly enough, these relationships also lasted longer and were a lot more fulfilling. And now, I am deeply in love with my current boyfriend and I have absolutely no trouble finding the “motivation” to keep our 2 year old relationship exciting.

So back to our projects, I believe it works in very similar ways. If you have trouble finding motivation to accomplish something, you probably chose too much according to your rational criteria. Take this website for instance: I write an article almost every day! Do I find it hard to motivate myself to do it? Occasionally. But most of the time, I’m excited to write because I know my readers will benefit from my articles and also because I have my end goal firmly in mind. I want to live from my internet revenues and I am determined to do it. I have visualization boards that are constantly reminding me of the lifestyle that I desire and I see the moment when my time won’t be tied to a salary getting closer and closer.

Napoleon Hill insisted on the fact that:

“Most ideas are still-born, and need the breath of life injected into them through definite plans of immediate action”

I can now testify that this is true. I started this website in October 2013 and I needed a rigorous discipline to post articles daily. Now, 4 months later, I gained momentum and confidence, which make my desire to write daily more natural. The act of writing has become habitual and I don’t even see it as having to discipline myself anymore. I can even go further and say that I have fallen in love with writing and sharing! The picture of my desired lifestyle is so deeply imprinted in my mind that I don’t have to do anything to get excited about getting there, it just happens naturally. So as you can see, motivation comes from action. You simply need to go towards the right goals and to initially discipline yourself to set yourself in motion. It’s like the law of inertia: something in motion tends to stay in motion, while something still tends to stay still. As the original state of ideas and projects is stillness, you will need a desire that is strong enough to help you overcome the initial inertia. If you’re shooting at a rational goal, you probably will find it very difficult – if ever possible! – to get to a point where you a in love with your objective. But if you choose an emotional goal, once you’ve gone through the rational hold ups, you will quickly become excited to cruise on the love of reaching your objective.

Motivation Comes from ActionThere is one danger to this though. For many years, I was set in motion just because of the fear of emptiness in my life. I had never asked myself what I truly wanted in life so I was spinning like crazy in a hamster wheel. I had to take a break first with a sabbatical to let the real emotional goals surface up naturally while in stillness. Once I found what truly inspired me to move forward, I found difficult to set myself in motion again, but moving towards heart-felt goals is just so much more rewarding that I quickly overcame the issue.

To read more about my sabbatical, follow this link.

To watch my videos on YouTube, follow this link.