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Your Own Internal GPS – Trust Your Feelings

Trust Your FeelingsToday we’ll talk about your own internal GPS. Once you discover the power of listening to your emotions, you’ll never be lost in the unknown anymore.

You have to trust your feelings.

The rule is very simple, if it feels good; you’re going in the right direction. If it doesn’t feel right, something has to change.

You have to be careful about what you change though.

I was once very unhappy at work and the most important thing to change was my attitude and thoughts towards my work – the solution was NOT to change job.

Of course, changing job can help too, as you can find more satisfying tasks or coworkers.

But if the dissatisfaction lives INSIDE you, in your own thoughts and programming, it will follow you everywhere you go!

So this means that feeling bad indicates you must change something WITHIN yourself.

I know, it can be very difficult.

You shouldn’t even necessarily aim at feeling good at first, simply trying to feel better might be a better goal.

Esther and Jerry Hicks, in their book Ask And It Is Given, list 22 emotional states which make a continuum you can progress on, from the worst to the best.

They say that the goal should be to simply entertain thoughts from the level above your current situation, not aim for the top of the scale right away

This is because results can take time to show up.

It personally took me roughly 6 months to start seeing noticeable results when I started working on improving my attitude.

Of course, I saw improvements even in the first week. But it went up, and down, and up, and down again.

So there are many encouraging periods where you see improvements, but there are also many periods when you wander if all your efforts are worth it.

Honestly, both periods can be a challenge. Because even when you are feeling better, it can be easy to slow down on your personal development exercises and slowly move back into your old paradigm.

So neither your progress nor your setbacks should deter you from persisting in your daily exercises.

The only single way to change your subconscious programming for better, more fulfilling thoughts is with TIME.

Some days you’ll feel you’ve made a tremendous jump forward, some days you’ll feel you’ve taken a step back.

That’s all surface work.


You’re either slowly moving forward, or slowly moving backwards.

This is why I believe so much in the power of rituals: they are the main catalysts of change.

This is very deceiving because we don’t see how these small exercises change us from day to day.

It’s like writing a page a day for an entire year and realizing that we have an entire book written by the end of the year. It never felt like writing a book, and it surely is an easier process than giving ourselves the task of writing a book. Simply focus on the page you have to write today.

The book will write itself, as long as you are PERSISTENT.

This is also why listening to your emotions is very important because they are the indicator of whether you are moving forward or not.

Just like with the book, it’s hard to see if, overall, our year is moving forward or not.

As I said, some days will be good, some will be tough.

But you simply need to have faith that the good days will add up and will change your paradigm for one that is more open, joyous and peaceful.

I built a course on persistence which I recommend if you need a virtual accountability partner to realize your BIG dream.

Also consider reading my other articles on persistence.

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Reaching Your Goals

Reaching Your Goals

For some people, the initial efforts are more difficult. Once they are in motion, it’s easier to keep going.

For others, taking action is easy, it’s the long-term commitment they find challenging.

I belong to the second group. I’ve never had much problem throwing myself in the arena. But my interest quickly wanes and I get bored easily.

No matter if you belong to the first or second group, reaching your goals requires sustained effort. I think I will never say it enough; the MOST important success factor is PERSISTENCE.

Create the Habit

Taking action needs to become a second nature. It needs to be ingrained in your subconscious so you don’t even think about it anymore.

It needs to become natural to act, and the only way to change your habit is to do something repeatedly.

This is how you learned everything: from your mother tongue, to driving, to showering and to how you get dressed. Do you think about what leg you put in your pants when you get dressed every day? No, you simply do it by habit.

Do you remember when you started driving? How you had to focus on every task, on what to do with your feet, your hands, keep your eyes on the road. You couldn’t do anything else because driving required your entire focused attention.

After repetition though, you’re able to have a phone conversation, adjust the heating or change the radio channel, all while still driving safely.

This is because, with repetition, your actions are stored in your subconscious, your internal programs, so that your conscious mind is free to do other things.

We need to do the same with taking action. We need to create a habit that is ingrained in your subconscious mind and you don’t even need to think about having to act, it just comes naturally.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful if you wouldn’t even have to think about getting in motion? It would just happen naturally?

Well, that’s a definite possibility, but you will need to train yourself first. You’ll need to break the old paradigm that keeps you in inertia.

Ritualize Your Actions

In order to do that, the best way that I know is to “ritualize”. That means to incrementally add new activities to your schedule that you do over and over so they become second nature and you don’t have to think about them anymore.

We’ll start with something simple: your dream.

We’ll burn your dream into your subconscious mind so that it becomes a beautiful obsession to realize it.

You’ll need 2 things: a little 3 by 5 inch card and a notebook. My notebook is a beautiful leather-bound book that I received while attending Bob Proctor’s Matrixx seminar. I love using it because it brings back all the memories of what I experienced there.

Yours don’t have to be super fancy, but I find that having a nice one helps me write in it.

What matters for today is simply to start. You can always buy a nicer one later, as long as you start writing NOW.

reaching your goalsAlso, it MUST be handwritten. Sorry for all the computer lovers who keep an electronic journal, but we need to be old-fashioned for this.

The reason is that your handwriting is directly connected to your subconscious mind. You know how difficult it is to copy someone else’s handwriting. However, you don’t have to think about your own handwriting; it comes completely naturally.

You also probably heard about graphology, the analysis of handwriting that tells about your personality. Your innermost persona can be analyzed as it comes out on paper.

Well, the beauty of it is that it also goes the other way: you can program your subconscious mind through handwriting your desires. This is exactly what we’ll do with your dream!

Using 100% of Your Mind

We’ll work on focusing your entire mind (both conscious and subconscious) towards reaching your goals.

Did you know that 95% of your daily actions come from your preprogrammed subconscious mind, while only 5% come from conscious decisions?

By journaling daily, we occupy some of the 95% of our subconscious mind to the realization of our dream… without any other effort than taking 2 minutes daily to write it!

So, think about your dream again and condense it to a single sentence.

It should be written at the present tense as if you have already accomplished it.

It should also have a completion date and be very specific.

Here’s my dream as an example:

I am so happy and grateful now that, by April 16th 2018, I own a beautiful beach house in Mill Valley, California and a penthouse in Quebec City, Canada and that I give personal development conferences around the world and live happily with my two kids and boyfriend.

So, every day, until the dream is realized, we’ll copy the sentence in our notebook to burn the desire into our subconscious mind.

You also need to write your dream on a 3 by 5 inch card to carry it with you and read it when you wake up and go to bed. Of course, the more you read it, the better.

But for now, that’ll be enough. We don’t want to overwhelm the mind and try to change our habits too quickly.

Our best ally is PERSISTENCE.

Small efforts done on a persistent basis are worth way more than massive efforts done only over the course of a few months.

Take the time to make your first entry in your journal and to write on your card.

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How to Achieve Goals when Persistence Fades

I feel I’m facing the biggest wall in my life so far. I wrote on self-help perseverance a few months ago, and on self-help frustration also. But what I am feeling now is much bigger than that. In the last few weeks I kept asking myself how to achieve goals when persistence fails.

I discovered Bob Proctor 10 months ago and attended 2 of his seminars. I learned about T Harv Eker 4 months ago and also attended 2 of his seminars. I posted videos on YouTube on how to become a millionaire, I bought self-help programs, I read and reread books, I tried hypnosis, I do positive affirmations in the mirror, I journal my mental bank daily, I do reiki weekly and I tried countless others things more or less seriously.

I have to admit that I easily get bored with anything. I need intense action in my life and constant change keeps me entertained. This quality is useful to get started with a project, but it’s more complicated when comes the time to carry it through. Knowing that any project of significant scale is achieved with perseverance, how do I cope with the rapid lost of interest?

Like most people, I feel super empowered after attending a personal growth seminar. The problem is that this enthusiasm quickly fades after I come back home. A trick would therefore be to attend seminar after seminar on an extended period of time to let permanent change in habits settle in. Of course, this alternative is expensive and your current job might not allow the amount of time off it requires. I did subscribe to the Quantum Leap program with Peak Potentials, which includes 5 seminars, and 12 weeks of coaching. The structure of the program greatly helps to sustain the level of energy required to install permanent change into someone’s life.

I also mastermind weekly with my best friend who is also a Quantum Leap member. I talked before about the importance of accountability partners and I consider myself excessively lucky to have someone to share my progress with.

How to achieve goalsNonetheless, I feel discouraged that things aren’t moving fast enough. My new awareness of the freedom that comes with passive income and with recovering my abandoned personal power wants to be fulfilled right now and not with months and months or even years of effort. The information that I came across with in the last year is too valuable to remain unexploited. Putting in the efforts to permanently change is definitely worth the resulting freedom afterwards. But I still feel scared that I won’t achieve my goal. Scared that I will abandon along the way because the upfront efforts are too important before change is observed.

I now understand better why so few people truly make the change in their lives to follow their passions, become financially independent and enjoy freedom in every aspect of their lives. Overcoming our old paradigm is probably the most difficult challenge we can accomplish in our lives.

Still, I realized yesterday that I could decide to be done with the struggle. I can decide now to live a reality where I’m already living my passionate life and I already have all the money and freedom that I need. This is how to achieve goals: change your mindset and perceive success as already attained. My reiki session was absolutely beautiful yesterday and I feel that something important in my life has begun. I feel that my heart is more opened and that I am better at receiving. I’m excited to see what’s coming up for me. And that excitement is what allows me to keep going.