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A Certain Way of Doing Things

If you’ve read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, you might be wondering what he means by a Certain Way of doing things. That part kept me puzzled for a while as I didn’t quite grasp what he meant by this expression. He refers to the “Certain Way” many times, but fails to really explain how things are done a “Certain Way”. Maybe it’s just something that cannot be explained I thought, maybe it’s a feeling that cannot be translated into words. Well, I gained a deeper understanding of the concept recently and I believe that I acted a “Certain Way” at the Science of Getting Rich seminar with Bob Proctor last weekend. One of the indicators is the readership of this website that skyrocketed like never before while I was at the seminar! I don’t think I did anything different, as I posted articles daily as usual, and didn’t advertise this site more, but I believe I did things in a “Certain Way”. I placed myself FROM the level of success that I am seeking and didn’t pursue my goals anymore, but rather felt that I had already achieved them! This is especially true as we did an exercise where we projected ourselves a year later and pretended we had already achieved all of our objectives. My energy level shifted considerably. I experienced a “Certain Way” of doing things without even realizing it. I simply noticed afterwards, when I looked at my website’s statistics and I sought an explanation for the rise in visitors. So as you can see, in order to act in a “Certain Way”, your actions don’t need to be different, but your MINDSET needs to be completely in the flow, and you need to be in a pure place of giving. Your objective needs to be already accomplished in your mind and you need to fully feel the satisfaction form that accomplishment. You must perform your tasks while being smothered in positive energy and you must have the complete trust that your goal will be reached.

Certain Way of doing thingsWhen I look back, I realize that I experienced things in a “Certain Way” several times without even knowing. For example, when I did an art show with my boyfriend, his energy shifted and he started believing he was going to get a lot of contracts. And we did get several in the following days, but none of them came from the show! They all came from different channels that were previously established and had no relation to the art show! So simply by changing his mindset, he opened up the possibility of receiving new contracts, he truly believed it, and it happened!

Of course, in order to believe something, it’s easier to rely on the physical evidences. For example, if your goal is to get several contracts, you need to start acting as if you were at least getting a few. Once you get them the first few ones, it will become easier to keep acting that way until you reach the amount desired. I often read that the Universe doesn’t know the difference between manifesting $1 or $1000, one contract or one hundred contracts. But our conditioned minds do see a difference! To condition ourselves to a new reality, it’s easier to process incrementally. So start visualizing your goal and act in a “Certain Way”!

Leave a comment and let me know what you want to manifest or have already manifested with your Certain Way of doing things!

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The Science of Getting Rich Bob Proctor review

Bob Proctor MatrixxToday was the third and final day of The Science of Getting Rich with Bob Proctor. What a complete mindset shift! I was ready to leave yesterday and I signed up for more today!

Before going to bed last night I did a meditation that was really powerful! I’ve been meditating for 3 years and I realize that I go deeper and deeper with time. My intuition told me last night that I should meditate even though I was super tired but I’m glad I did anyway!

This morning when I woke up, I was whistling and humming. My mood was completely changed and I was eager for the seminar to start! We did a visualization exercise where we had to picture ourself one year later when we would run into a participant we hadn’t seen since the seminar. What would we say about the year that just passed? Well, I got picked by Mary Morrissey to go on stage and try this with her. She asked me what I had done and all my answers came spontaneously: I had been a trainer, just like Bob Proctor, and I had traveled the world. I spoke in Paris, Berlin and Beijing. I earned $9,000,000! I lived in a beautiful penthouse in Quebec City with my loving boyfriend. What a beautiful picture!! This is a clip filmed by a friend:

This exercise is especially powerful because it sets you in the vibration in which you will be after you get all you want. This is the vibration that you MUST be in to manifest your desires. Plus, this is such an easy exercise that you can do with anyone! I will definitely do it often again! I really learned to experience what it means to come FROM a place of love. You MUST be in the higher vibration BEFORE you get what you desire.

Mary Morrissey also told us a story that had a really strong impact on me. It’s the story of a fisherman who keeps getting fish after fish after fish. A young man observing notices that when he takes fish out, he measures them to a broken ruler and throws the fish longer than the ruler back in the water, while he keeps the ones shorter. The young man wonders if there is some kind of ordinance than prohibits fishing larger fish or if they are more bony or if there is another reason. The fisherman explains that it’s simply that the larger fish don’t fit in his frying pan. That’s how it works with the Law of Attraction too. Life continuously sends you gifts all the time, big and small, but you will only accept the ones that fit your frying pan. You cannot get greater results than what you are ready to accept. So put yourself in the vibration of what you desire and accept the gifts that come your way!

Overall, the Science of Getting Rich was amazing! I realize that my review is a very personal one and I talked more about how I experienced the event than I described it. What you make of the event really is up to you. One thing is for sure: it will be valuable up to the efforts that you put in.

I even decided to become a Thinking Into Results consultant so if you have any big goal you want to achieve and need some help getting it, let me know! It will be my pleasure to help you!

I hope that you found this review helpful! If you missed any of the days, you can read about them here:

The Science of Getting Rich Bob Proctor review – Day 1

The Science of Getting Rich Bob Proctor review – Day 2

Good luck!


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The Science of Getting Rich review

Bob Proctor SeminarsThe Science of Getting Rich review. The first night was only 3 hours long but still very high in realizations! First, I realized that I haven’t acted much since Matrixx 4 months ago. There are about 10 people here who were also among the 50 participants at the Matrixx and all of them have EXPANDED so much! One of the guys went from $1.3 millions to $20 millions in PROFIT. Okay, he’s mentoring with Bob Proctor himself and already had a company going but still, it’s hard not to compare my results to his. I’m still looking for work, I don’t know how it’ll pay for my debts and – worst of all! – I’m still focussing on them. As Bob Proctor always says, it’s not learning the theory by heart that will change anything: it’s the understanding of it and taking action that will give results. I realize that I haven’t done as much as I could on the taking action part. I give myself reasons more than I get results. Here how the event is going on the two major points:

UNDERSTADING. The Science of Getting Rich event (or any similar event) is great to network with like-minded people.  We received the text of the book by the same title in a huge course manual and we are going through it line by line. I really like the fact that we are immersing ourselves in the text so much. We stop all the time to ask ourselves questions about the text, to reflect on it and to write our own interpretations.

TAKING ACTION. When the evening started, I became very nervous. I realized that the main reason I hadn’t made much progress is that I’m scared to make a lot of money! Yep! I didn’t have a clue I had such a fear but I realized that making a lot of money is tied to my fear of existing and taking my place in the world. I decided that this fear has to go. I stumbled upon the Sedona method yesterday which is really helpful for letting go and I will use it to release this fear. Getting this realization is the main reason for participating in the event. Reading the book at home won’t be much of an incentive to get results. But talking with people who have applied the theory, witnessing that it works, feeling the energy level and connecting with like-minded people definitely helps tremendously.

Read here my Science of Getting Rich review Day 2!

Happy learning!
