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The Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – review day 2

Millionaire MindThe Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – Day 2.

Today, I felt like leaving the seminar! Not that it was bad, but simply that my subconscious mind (my paradigm) feels threatened by the information. I wrote earlier that one of the roles of the subconscious mind is to leave things unchanged. The subconscious fears the unknown and it prefers to keep me in my current safer position. What my heart is telling me to do is to TEACH! That’s a really strong feeling that I’ve been feeling for a long time but because I’m ignoring the calling, I felt like I was in this seminar for no reason. What’s the use of being here if I don’t apply the theory? My mind is just telling me to act or to leave, not to stay and keep taking in more information.

Still, because I’m more and more aware of my own defence mechanisms, I knew it was the most important time to stay. So I’m glad I did. I had a similar experience at the Millionaire Mind seminar where I was bored and I didn’t see the point in staying but it definitely paid off to stay until the end.

The Q&A lunch with Bob Proctor wasn’t as useful as I expected. First of all, I was expecting it to me more intimate… but there were 180 people! We could write questions on little cards and Bob answered a few of them. I know that I can’t compare this to Matrixx where there were only 50 participants in total and I got 3 or 4 chances to speak with Bob for 5 to 10 minutes. But still, I was a little disappointed.

In the afternoon session, there was a guest comedian, Kyle Cease, who was really good! He also offered his own seminar which I would definitely attend if I wasn’t so short on money right now. Anik Singal from the Inbox Blueprint was there too and it was interesting to hear him talk. I didn’t purchase his program but it’s always good to meet the person and know that they really exist!

There is only 1 day left to the seminar! I feel much more positive now and I hope this will be my breakthrough day!
