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Increase Wealth and Success – Take More Risks

Increase Wealth and Success

Many people are impressed by the level of action that I take in my life. If I feel like doing something, I do it! It doesn’t matter if it involves selling my condo with all my belongings in it, moving to a different country, being unemployed for a while, or any other uncertainty. What I see as simply following my heart, others see as a risk they are not willing to take. The truth is that you shouldn’t afford NOT to take risks. In order to increase your wealth and success, you need to take more risks. If you remain along the shore, you will never discover the very best of you. If you believed that in order to live a better life, you had to make the sacrifice of being unemployed and studying for a few years, you must realize that you took the risk that things could have not worked out for you. Yet, you took the chance and you studied. You should also understand that in order to be wealthier, you need to find the time to study how wealth is acquired. It’s the same concept, it’s just that one is more popular than the other.

Raise Your Awareness

In T Harv Eker’s interview with Keith Cunningham, Keith describes how he made – and lost – a fortune by taking risks. He says the key is developing the awareness of HOW to earn vast sums of money. Once you know how, even if you lose it, you will regain it easily because your mindset has expanded. Bob Proctor keeps saying that people don’t earn $50,000 a year because they want to, they earn that much because they’re not AWARE of how to earn $50,000 a MONTH! Keith also says that the lessons from losing money are incredible… and I believe him! I’ve learned a lot more in losing money than in earning it. It’s like learning anything: if you can get beyond the scare of making mistakes, then you can go forward. I wrote an article on “learning to do things badly” which you can read by following the link for Self-Help Perfectionism.

Increase wealth and successI also talk about the importance of taking action in my book on finding your life’s purpose, Grow With the Flow. Keith also says that: “One step in the right direction is worth a hundred years of thinking about it.” In my life, I never regretted anything. I believe regretting is a matter of choice and I choose to learn from my mistakes. Because the times when I lost a lot of money or spent more than I should have thought me a lot. I’m now unlikely to do the same errors again, or at the very least I will do much better next time. Willingness to make mistakes is a secret to wealth because it allows you to ACT.

Learn to Love Money

Now, take a few minutes to write down all your beliefs around money. Do you believe that earning money requires hard work? Do you believe that wealthy people are mean and greedy? Are these beliefs serving you well? All your beliefs, even though you don’t think about them consciously, play a huge role in shaping your daily actions and thoughts. If you don’t believe that you can earn a lot of money, you won’t even entertain thoughts that could make you earn a lot of money. Money is like a lover or health, you have to treat it right for it to stay with you. I used to trick myself into thinking that I was “ABOVE” money, while I subconsciously was enslaved by it. I desperately needed to have a lot of money and to be “generous” to show others how careless about material things I was. I was acting in the opposite way of what I was thinking deep down inside. Now that I’ve let this belief come to the surface, I’ve been able to let it go and truly reestablish a sane relationship towards owning money. I see money as it is: a tool that increases my comfort and allows me to provide service beyond my physical presence. Money is my measure for personal growth. The more I grow, the greater receptacle for money I become. I now see my fears as exciting challenges to overcome because I know that overcoming them will make me a better, freer and richer person.

Once you become aware of your negative beliefs around money, you need to let them go. Most people see this process as long and difficult, but it can also be very quick and easy. If you trusted someone for 30 years, but suddenly realized that they were screwing you, you would stop trusting them right away. You can go the same with your liming beliefs. You should read my article on the Sedona Method to learn a very simple and effective technique to let go.

What risks are you willing to take in your life to increase wealth and success? You can start small, but be aware that “Behind your greatest fear, lies your greatest gift.”

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The Sedona Method – Letting Go of Unwanted Feelings

Sedona MethodI just came across the Sedona Method on letting go. This is a very simple and powerful exercise! It simply shows you that releasing unwanted feelings is as simple as unclenching your hand to drop the pen you were holding. It’s so easy to disregard methods that appear too simplistic. But I tried it just before the Science of Getting Rich and I let go of my fear of change. I felt the exercise was extremely powerful and the image that spontaneously came to my mind was a cage around my heart with the gate opening when I let go! Wow!

The method is very simple. Here are the steps:

1. Choose an issue that you would like to feel better about and allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up when you allow this situation to exist in your mind.

2. Ask yourself any of the following questions: (and allow the answer to be yes or no, because it works with both)

>     a. Could I let this feeling go?

>     b. Could I allow this feeling to be here?

>     c. Could I welcome this feeling?

3. Ask yourself if you are willing to let go.

4. Ask yourself when you are willing to let go.

5. Feel the change in your feelings and repeat steps 1 to 4 if you feel the need.

So how did it feel for you? I tried the exercise a few times over the last few days, and I must say that I’m quite impressed by the level of peace that comes up when I try it! It seems like inner peace comes in less than a minute! I don’t think I’ve ever come across an exercise that worked so well and so easily for me. What about you?

If you want to know more about this exercise and learn other techniques, I invite you to visit the Sedona Method website. And if you end up purchasing their entire program ($388) I would also like to have your feedback on it!

Thanks a lot!