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Self-help debt: First steps to recovery.

Self-help debt: I just go a call from the bank because I’m not reimbursing one of my credit cards. It’s amazing how a human-made concept such as money can have a powerful grip on the mind. It reminds me of the stories that my ex-boyfriend was telling me and which I didn’t want to hear. My entire body would shiver in fear and terror. The confrontation in my mind was brutal. But I dug deep inside of me. I sought to understand why I was attracted so much to something that was causing me so much pain.self-help debt

In my current case with money, it’s not causing me pain in the same way. But I certainly didn’t want to face some part of reality. It’s tough to admit that I messed up. I thought so hard that I was following my intuition, while I was in fact following my ego in disguise. Still, I choose to look at the bright side of things. Going through my wall of terror with my ex-boyfriend contributed a great deal to my growth and I’m totally convinced that it’s because I went through that painful experience that I can now embrace a loving relationship.

Same goes with money. I had to put myself in financial “danger” to realize that there was something wrong. I had to uncover my addiction to spending before I could fix it! And now that I am in trouble and need to borrow money, the incentive to make money is much stronger. It’s opening my eyes to quantum leaps and it’s changing my mindset to look for wealth. The debts are an indication showing me that I perceive myself as worthless and, since I’ve recognized it, I can now start working on that. Wow! Life is exciting! All the movement inside that can be created for owing a few thousands! I find my emotional attachment to money so intense, yet so futile. The beauty of the situation is that I’m now taking responsibility and I’m on the way to recovery!

To help you go through this, read my article on how to meditate.

Also read this article if you want to learn more about addiction to spending.

Thanks for reading!