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Motivation Comes from Action

Motivation Comes from Action. Many people ask themselves how they could increase their motivation to realize their projects or to do their self-help programs. I like Bob Proctor’s answer on that who compares it to falling in love. Do you have to motivate yourself to see the other person when you are in love? No, not at all. Motivation comes naturally from within ourselves. Well, it’s the same thing for projects and self-help. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, that’s because you’re not enough in love with the idea… yet. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make any efforts towards your goals. Because, before you can fall in love with a project, you need to make space for it.

When I look at my love life, the first few guys I dated were chosen with very rational criteria. I was looking for guys who had the same interests and corresponded to my physical preferences. With time though, and by letting go of some of the rationality, I found candidates with whom I shared a much stronger spiritual and heart to heart connection. Interestingly enough, these relationships also lasted longer and were a lot more fulfilling. And now, I am deeply in love with my current boyfriend and I have absolutely no trouble finding the “motivation” to keep our 2 year old relationship exciting.

So back to our projects, I believe it works in very similar ways. If you have trouble finding motivation to accomplish something, you probably chose too much according to your rational criteria. Take this website for instance: I write an article almost every day! Do I find it hard to motivate myself to do it? Occasionally. But most of the time, I’m excited to write because I know my readers will benefit from my articles and also because I have my end goal firmly in mind. I want to live from my internet revenues and I am determined to do it. I have visualization boards that are constantly reminding me of the lifestyle that I desire and I see the moment when my time won’t be tied to a salary getting closer and closer.

Napoleon Hill insisted on the fact that:

“Most ideas are still-born, and need the breath of life injected into them through definite plans of immediate action”

I can now testify that this is true. I started this website in October 2013 and I needed a rigorous discipline to post articles daily. Now, 4 months later, I gained momentum and confidence, which make my desire to write daily more natural. The act of writing has become habitual and I don’t even see it as having to discipline myself anymore. I can even go further and say that I have fallen in love with writing and sharing! The picture of my desired lifestyle is so deeply imprinted in my mind that I don’t have to do anything to get excited about getting there, it just happens naturally. So as you can see, motivation comes from action. You simply need to go towards the right goals and to initially discipline yourself to set yourself in motion. It’s like the law of inertia: something in motion tends to stay in motion, while something still tends to stay still. As the original state of ideas and projects is stillness, you will need a desire that is strong enough to help you overcome the initial inertia. If you’re shooting at a rational goal, you probably will find it very difficult – if ever possible! – to get to a point where you a in love with your objective. But if you choose an emotional goal, once you’ve gone through the rational hold ups, you will quickly become excited to cruise on the love of reaching your objective.

Motivation Comes from ActionThere is one danger to this though. For many years, I was set in motion just because of the fear of emptiness in my life. I had never asked myself what I truly wanted in life so I was spinning like crazy in a hamster wheel. I had to take a break first with a sabbatical to let the real emotional goals surface up naturally while in stillness. Once I found what truly inspired me to move forward, I found difficult to set myself in motion again, but moving towards heart-felt goals is just so much more rewarding that I quickly overcame the issue.

To read more about my sabbatical, follow this link.

To watch my videos on YouTube, follow this link.


Self-help frustration

I am feeling SSSOOO frustrated this morning I just had to share it! I’m a go getter so I don’t usually have to deal with self-help frustration and the feeling of being stuck! But that’s where I am today! I came back from the Bob Proctor Matrixx full of hope and energy to turn my life for the better. But now, my Matrixx “soul mate” is getting money and contracts and I’m not. I know it’s only been a week but I’ve been at it for so long! I just need to see results NOW! What still keeps me going is that I know that the greatest breakthroughs come after the greatest discouragements. A quote from Marianne Williamson keeps coming to my mind and says: If you haven’t thrown the book at the wall at least once that’s because you are not doing the Course. That’s what she says when talking about the frustration and discouragement that WILL arise when you seriously take on self-help efforts.

So, feeling self-help frustration is something quite normal, expected, and even a good sign that you’re doing it right! But what to do when you are about to abandon?

1. Change your activity: Go for a walk (or a run in my case), do something physical or that will focus your mind on something else.

2. Share: Talk to someone close to you. Be very honest with what you’re feeling and allow yourself to feel that way.

3. Write: Write your frustration (as I’m doing now!) in a journal.Self-help frustration

4. Look at the big picture: If your frequently journaling, reread the past few days or months and see the big picture. Realize that the overall situation is getting better even with the punctual hiccups.

5. Be thankful: Think of at least five things that you are thankful for and say them out lout. Write them in your journal as well.

6. Contact me! Let me know how you’re feeling and I’ll see what I can do to help! I’ve been through this and it’s always better to share your experiences than to keep them for yourself!

Keep going! Feeling discouraged means that great things are about to happen!


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Setting yourself in motion for Matrixx

Setting yourself in motion can be difficult. We all know what we should do: eat well, exercise, visit your parents, read books, take care of your personal growth. However, it’s easy to set all those good intentions aside and procrastinate. As you all know, I just came back from Bob Proctor Matrixx with a big goal: I want to own a penthouse! The visualization part is important, but I also need to act in order to get results!

When you participate in the Matrixx program, all the participants will want to help you realize your goal! That’s quite a change from the usual barriers we get from people around us! (even well intended!) I just contacted those who said could help me, and that really raised my enthusiasm!  When you realize that people and the universe conspire to help you realize you dream, your faith becomes stronger and your results show up faster!Bob Proctor Matrixx

But again, as I said, you have to act! NOW!!! If there is a big goal that you want to reach but you’ve been putting it off, let me know! I can help you with that! It’s always easier when you have someone to support you! Plus, I’ve been in your shoes! I dreamed to attend Bob Proctor Matrixx and I did it!! I went from watching one of his videos on youtube to shaking his hand 6 months later! You can do it too! All you need is to believe you can do it! Let me help you with that!

Follow this link if you want to learn more about what happens during the 6 days of Bob Proctor Matrixx!!


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Bob Proctor Matrixx

Wow! What an incredible week at Bob Proctor Matrixx! 6 days with him are definitely worth more than the 3 months that I spent studying his material! (Although studying his material prior to the event is crucial as it opens your mind for the event!) And there were people there who had been studying for years and thought the same!! I discovered that the results lie in the ACTION. You have to EXPERIENCE what he teaches. Asking him questions and getting answers LIVE are key to discovering your own hidden beliefs. For instance, through a series of simple but effective questions, he made me discover that I was protecting myself from abundance instead of embracing it! That was a pretty important breakthrough! And that was just the beginning! Many other breakthroughs were waiting in line for the first one to happen to reveal themselves!

Bob Proctor MatrixxDay 1: On the first day I set a simple objective: ask a question during the seminar to get myself involved. I did, and oh boy I didn’t know what I was getting into!!

Day 2: On the second day, I had already broken the ice with my first question so it was easy to ask many more questions. It really got the ball rolling. I didn’t want to focus all the attention of the seminar on me, but I was determined to get the highest possible return on investment!

Day 3: On the third day, that’s when it got personal. I was trying to find what I wanted, what was the big project that I wanted to work on? I had something, a worldwide school system that would incorporate Bob’s material. It was a nice project, but it didn’t fully resonate with me. So I told Bob, and through a series of simple question, we were able to pinpoint my true desire: to get a beautiful penthouse in Quebec City! While this project might not be as noble as teaching kids around the world, I had to discover that I need to restore my pride before I can take on other projects. I learned what having “order” in your thoughts mean, and that there is a sequence you need to follow to achieve your dreams. What a great teacher he is!

Day 4: On the fourth day I had to share my epiphany! The pressure was too strong to keep it inside, so when Sandy Gallagher asked me a question, I jumped in front of the class and shared my joy! I told everybody the importance of FEELING your project in your heart. After I sat back down, I felt like I had come alive for the first time in my life! Yep! That’s what the Matrixx does to you! I bet that you haven’t had such a revelation while watching his videos or reading his books! 😉

Day 5 and 6: The last 2 days were pure cruising on my new discoveries. It takes some time for the new information to sink into your subconscious mind. But it was a beautiful experience. I felt more light inside of me, more alignment, and a greater determination to achieve my goals!

I’m now back home and full of energy to accomplish my dreams. The first on the list is to get a penthouse, and I’m determined to get it! I’ll let you know how it goes!

I’m definitely going back in January 2014. Follow this link to register:

I’ll see you there!


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Self-help books

Today we’re going to talk about self-help books. There’s a ton out there so it’s kind of difficult to choose the right one.  My favourite ones have always been gifts and recommendation from friends. So that gave me the idea to share a few valuable titles with you:


May Cause Miracles > by Gabrielle Bernstein

Self-help booksThis book was great from the start! When I picked it up, I was looking for a day-to-day program because I felt I lacked discipline in my spiritual growth efforts. This book was super easy to use and yielded great benefits! Gabby’s program over 42 days is the perfect length to see changes occur and to create positive habits. Reading this book even convinced me to invest into her live seminar that she holds at Kripalu (Massachusetts) every year. This was one of the most cost-effective growth weekends in my entire life!

Get Gabby’s book!





Self-help booksChange your life in 7 days > by Paul McKenna

Following my first book recommendation, this second one attracted my attention with its title. I’m fervent of quick and effective solutions so I thought this book was the key. The 7-day program is indeed a great catalyst to propel you toward your dreams. I was disappointed at the end though when he says that the 7 days won’t help much if you don’t repeat the process every week. It makes total sense and I know that growth and wealth are gained through persistence rather than within a week. Still, this book, with its hypnosis CD, were definitely instrumental in shifting my thoughts and undertaking the efforts to change my life for the better.

Get Paul’s book!


Self-help booksThe Spontaneous Fulfilment Of Desire: Harnessing The Infinite Power of Coincidences > by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is definitely my favourite self-help author of all times. I haven’t read his books lately, but I read several a few years ago, and they were definitely what fostered my passion for the self-help world. This particular one: The Spontaneous Fulfilment of Desire, was the most impactful for me. I discovered that doing the meditations included in this book helped me spend better days at work! It became easier to deal with difficult customers, I was less anxious and more confident in my presentations and when I faced the unexpected. Seeing my concrete day-to-day evolution definitely contributed to fuel my personal growth quest.

Get Deepak’s book!


Otherwise, please check out this great book that lists the 101 most popular self-help authors!

Top 101 Experts
Self-help books

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Self-help programs

What do you do when you feel totally discouraged? You keep going! I’m feeling this way now because I put all my hopes in going to the Matrixx event. Yesterday though, I spoke to Arash and he suggested that I attend the next one in January. I guess that’s fine because I still get to go in a few months – granted that I do come up with the money this time! But still, I just feel sad and disappointed because of all the efforts I put in trying to go this year. Of all the self-help programs that I’ve come across, this one seems the most promising.

It’s kind of paradoxical too that they would encourage me to postpone my dream – while the core of their program suggests that you just go for it – NOW! I guess it’s just all up to me to jump on a plane and fly to Toronto to see what happens! Maybe the person sitting next to me on the plane will offer me the money! Or maybe the participants, when they hear my story, will decide to sponsor me! What’s holding me back though is my questioning about the reasons why I didn’t put more efforts into the realization of my dream. Because, let’s face it, there is a lot more that I could have done! Like going door-to-door to collect money, cold calling potential clients to earn a commission, asking my friends to lend me money, and so many more options! So why didn’t I do it?

I guess I just didn’t want it enough! Bob Proctor says that if you want it enough, and believe that you can get it, then you find the energy and the means to achieve it. But then my problem becomes the realization that there isn’t much that I want really bad! If I stay in my current situation, that’s because I convince myself that it’s not so bad! And that’s a scary thought for me: to realize that I don’t want that high lifestyle with hotels and nice restaurants and flying first class everywhere. Or at least, I don’t want it enough to make the required sacrifices to get it.

But I also wonder: do I need to make sacrifices or can I get all of that more easily? Is that one of the keys why so many people don’t reach the summit? All of the self-help programs that I’ve come across have this in common: their initiators were workaholics. They claim that you can make easy money with no effort, and they’re right that you get there at some point, but maybe not right from the start. The initial kick off needs a lot of sustained efforts.

So how do you get beyond that? In my opinion, the best way is to go for a program that needs no efforts at all that will act directly on your subconscious. Holosync meditations and hypnosis are good ways to start. I personally use Sonia Ricotti’s holosync meditations and Paul McKenna’s hypnosis.

Here are the links for these self-help programs:

Sonia’s Program

Self-help programs


Get Paul’s book!

Self-help programs