Shine Brighter Now


Self-help frustration

I am feeling SSSOOO frustrated this morning I just had to share it! I’m a go getter so I don’t usually have to deal with self-help frustration and the feeling of being stuck! But that’s where I am today! I came back from the Bob Proctor Matrixx full of hope and energy to turn my life for the better. But now, my Matrixx “soul mate” is getting money and contracts and I’m not. I know it’s only been a week but I’ve been at it for so long! I just need to see results NOW! What still keeps me going is that I know that the greatest breakthroughs come after the greatest discouragements. A quote from Marianne Williamson keeps coming to my mind and says: If you haven’t thrown the book at the wall at least once that’s because you are not doing the Course. That’s what she says when talking about the frustration and discouragement that WILL arise when you seriously take on self-help efforts.

So, feeling self-help frustration is something quite normal, expected, and even a good sign that you’re doing it right! But what to do when you are about to abandon?

1. Change your activity: Go for a walk (or a run in my case), do something physical or that will focus your mind on something else.

2. Share: Talk to someone close to you. Be very honest with what you’re feeling and allow yourself to feel that way.

3. Write: Write your frustration (as I’m doing now!) in a journal.Self-help frustration

4. Look at the big picture: If your frequently journaling, reread the past few days or months and see the big picture. Realize that the overall situation is getting better even with the punctual hiccups.

5. Be thankful: Think of at least five things that you are thankful for and say them out lout. Write them in your journal as well.

6. Contact me! Let me know how you’re feeling and I’ll see what I can do to help! I’ve been through this and it’s always better to share your experiences than to keep them for yourself!

Keep going! Feeling discouraged means that great things are about to happen!