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Self-help starts here! (Breaking out of my shell)

Today, I’m breaking out of my shell. Self-help starts here! I’m stepping up and deciding that I have the “right” to help others. My experience and learning can be useful to others. That might sound trivial to people who offer their advice freely, or who don’t even realize that they do, but I’ve always felt somewhat of an “impostor” to advice someone on their life. I’m always thinking: “Who am I to pretend that I can know what is better or worse for someone”? So I usually refrain from giving advice and I simply try to ask the right questions to make the person come up with their own answers (psychologist-style!).self-help starts here

Today though, I decided to take my first 3 mentoring customers: My brother, my boyfriend and my best friend. They all need to learn perseverance in some fields and I want to help them. My brother wants to have a girlfriend but he needs to improve what he can “market” to a girl. The problem is not meeting her, it’s sustaining her interest. My boyfriend needs to raise his self image and realize that he is a very valuable person and partner. We’ll do daily affirmations to help him out with that. My best friend needs meditation to increase the “heart-ratio” in his decisions and decrease the “brain-ratio”.

What struck me as obvious this morning is that all those opportunities are perfect to start my coaching career! I’ve always been afraid to find my first customers while they were here all along! Ok, maybe they’re not paying customers yet, but I need to practice my art before I can start charging for my skills! And what is more rewarding that helping people you really care for, without even charging a penny for it? After all, my favourite activity at the moment are the homosexuality demystification conferences which are unpaid volunteer work!

This is the organization I do my conferences with:  (in French only)