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Self Hypnosis by Steve G Jones

Self HypnosisA month ago, I started using a self hypnosis mp3 by Steve G Jones. I had always been interested by self-hypnosis but had never given it a serious try. First of all, I noticed a great change in the morning: I always woke up with a VERY positive attitude! Sometimes, the positivity remained with me the entire day, sometimes, it faded in the afternoon, but I definitely saw a major change! Secondly, I also witnessed a shift in my mindset. I have been more interested in wealth creation techniques and passive income strategies and I even created a new section dedicated to the topic on my site! Thirdly, I started IMPLEMENTING some of the passive income techniques!! I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar by T Harv Eker. I’m also in the process of getting a job with an online advertising company which will allow me to learn all the inner workings of online businesses.

A few days ago, I also tried hypnosis with a professional hypnotist. It’s hard to compare how a mp3 relates to an in-person session with a hypnotist, especially because I tried the mp3 for a month and only had one session with the hypnotist, but my first impression is that hypnosis works better in person. On the other hand, it’s difficult to meet a hypnotist for a session everyday. Therefore, both are complementary. My understanding is that it works better on the long run. The subconscious mind can sometimes shift quickly, but new beliefs also need to be reinforced on a continuous basis to produce lasting effects.

You can visit the website of the hypnotist that I met by clicking here. His name is Pim and he is based out of Montreal, Canada.

You can also get Steve G Jones’ program by clicking here.

Finally, I’m also doing the Mental Bank program from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

I hope self hypnosis will prove as useful for you as it is for me!
