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How to Set Your Goals and Achieve Them? Celebrate!

How to Set Your Goals and Achieve Them? Celebrate!

In the beginning I often forgot to celebrate my successes.

In fact, my entire concept of successes was screwed up. I saw success as a major accomplishment that had to be absolute perfection to be worth anything at all.

I only started moving forward after I recognized success as:

  1. Something small
  2. Something imperfect
  3. A process

Success is not getting to the top of the ladder; success is every additional ladder rung that is now behind you.

You must have heard the cliché that success is not a destination; it is a journey. Well, I can assure you that you won’t find true happiness until you understand the full extent of that quote.

There is always more you can get, more you can achieve, so you’d better enjoy the process because you will never reach the ONE final goal!

It never stops because not wanting expansion means entropy and death. This is the basic nature of our ever-expanding spirit!

Simply doing this program is a success in itself. Even if that’s all you do toward your personal development, that’s already a big achievement.

Most of our subconscious minds are programmed to disregard “small” successes and keep us in procrastination.

But, if you start celebrating even your smallest successes, you will gradually gain momentum and realize bigger and bigger accomplishments.

A common problem is the failure to see the connection between the small steps and the big goal.

how to set your goals and achieve themThe most important part is to BELIEVE in your dream! Because if you don’t believe you can achieve it, you won’t put in the efforts to realize it.

Belief is what will lift you up the ground until you see the materialization of your efforts.

Oprah herself said it: you don’t get what you want, you get what you believe!

In order to believe, you need to act as if the accomplishment was a given fact, which it is if you act towards it!

That’s what differentiates successful people from others who aren’t; your reaction when you face adversity. Those who keep going eventually succeed, it is a law.

Think about all the visionaries, the inventors and the idealists. Most people thought they were crazy at first. Nobody could ever invent a flying machine. There’s no way we could be connected to all the data in the world on a wireless device. All races will never be treated in the same manner.

All successes really are a matter of WHEN they will come to fruition, not a matter of WHETHER they are possible or not.

Bob Proctor’s definition of success is: The PROGRESSIVE realization of a worthy ideal. The important word here is “progressive”. You are successful as long as you try, you have failed only when you quit, and you keep trying until you believe it is possible!

As I said initially, what matters now is to celebrate. We need to improve our definition of success by celebrating every step of the way. That way, you remain motivated along the way and your perseverance doesn’t wane because the goal seems to be far and unreachable.

The reward needs to be proportionate with your action. It doesn’t matter so much if you lie to your life coach. What matters tremendously though is if you lie to yourself!

Are you proud of your accomplishments? Are you proud to have taken the first step towards your big dream?

If you have taken the actions you were supposed to, go ahead and enjoy the reward you promised yourself!

If not, you have to be fair with yourself and postpone the reward you have accomplished what you were supposed to.