Shine Brighter Now


Getting better all the time

In one of his Your Were Born Rich videos, Bob Proctor says that once you start going better, you think “Oh wow! This couldn’t get any better!” but it does! And it gets better and better! Well, I’m in that situation now! It seems like life is getting better all the time! It’s been a week that I’ve been on a cloud. I had my reiki initiation, I started my conference speaker training and I lived the past week in a constant meditation state! There is no sign and that this state will go away any time soon and I also believe that I got rid of the belief that all good things need an end. Why is that so? Why couldn’t it just always be better? Once you starting building on solid foundations, why should you have to start over again?


I’m still taking care of that wonderful state and continuing my daily exercises. Here’s a few suggestions on how to keep your head in the clouds with your feet on the ground:Getting better all the time

1. Meditate! Meditation is like going to the gym. Doing it once will help, but nothing compared to a daily practice! Make sure it’s fun too! Commit to do it with someone. Otherwise, try it just before a difficult situation that you know you’ll face and measure the difference! That’s how I started myself. I had a difficult customer to deal with and I quickly noticed that I was less affected the days that I had meditated. It quickly became very easy to remain disciplined!

2. Enjoy nature! I try to go hiking at least once a week. I also run along a river through a municipal park.

3. Focus on today. Make sure that TODAY is a great day! Make sure that YOU come first too. Take time to eat and savor your food. Take time to talk to people you love WITHOUT distraction. Focus on the activity that you are doing. It’s so easy to get distracted nowadays. You can still do a lot, but make sure that your attention is fully dedicated to ONE activity at a time.

4. Be grateful. I often heard that gratefulness is the quickest way to fully living the Law of Attraction. I have my gratitude journal and I start my day by being grateful for 10 different things everyday. I then sit still for 5 minutes and send love to people that I am challenged by.

5. Share. I smile all the time and I smile at strangers. I smile when I’m sitting at my desk too. And I’m smiling right now. Smiling has the double effect of putting you in a higher vibration as we as other.

Enjoy your life!

Martin xx