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Bob Proctor seminar review

Bob Proctor seminar review

There’s a quote from Bob Proctor which stuck in my mind for a while and is making more and more sense now. Bob says that, when things start getting better, you think to yourself: “Wow! Things couldn’t get any better!” … but they do! And it gets better and better all the time!

The most difficult part in personal development is getting out of inertia. It’s the same as with riding a bike or launching a rocket: the most energy is required for the take off. Once you are in motion, the force of inertia builds up and a lot less energy is required to keep you going at the same speed or the same level of happiness. You’ve already gained momentum and the extra efforts that you deploy aren’t used to take you off the ground anymore, but rather to add extra happiness to your existing state of bliss.

Matrixx and Science of Getting Rich

Bob Proctor seminar reviewIn my case, I started studying Bob Proctor’s material a year ago. Four months later I attended Matrixx and 4 more months after, I attended The Science of Getting Rich. You can follow the links to read the Bob Proctor seminar review I did for each of them. And now, I can say that I am definitely reaping the benefits of all the studying and the investment in the seminars. The steady studying is important because it prepares your mind for the new information and it “softens” your subconscious mind. Attending live seminars is even more important because of the energy that builds up on site and gives you courage and strength to do your big change. The follow up mastermind groups and exercises are also extremely important as they allow the theory to really sink in permanently and create durable change in your life.

Another quote I love from Bob and that keeps me moving towards my goals is: “When riches start coming your way, they will come so fast, it will make your head spin!” Well, riches aren’t making my head spin yet, but I’ve seen so many positive changes in my life already that I don’t even need discipline or motivation to keep going. When you realize every day the good that your daily rituals and practice give you, it simply becomes natural to do them! I now always wake up in a super good mood and 6 days out of 7 I remain very enthusiastic throughout the day.

The daily ritual

First on my list is Bob Proctor’s meditation which I LOVE and listen to as often as I can. Then I also do my positive affirmations while looking into my eyes since that apparently speeds up the transformation process. This is a trick I learned at the Science of Getting Rich seminar. I also occasionally watch the You Were Born Rich seminar available on YouTube. This is the video that sparked my interest in Bob a year ago. I must have watched the entire 10-hour seminar about 50 times!

I had already read the book The Secret a few years ago but my attention wasn’t caught by Bob’s teaching then. I’m always curious to find the answer to: “Why me?” Why am I so attracted by Bob Proctor’s teaching while so many aren’t? Why do I feel that this information resonates so deep within me? Anyway, I’ll find the answer to that later I guess!  😉

I also ended up on the stage at The Science of Getting Rich seminar and you can watch a short clip of that here. (That specific exercise was with Mary Morrissey and not Bob)

So that’s it! All I want to tell you is: “Keep going!” I had my struggles to get where I am now but my current state is definitely worth way more than the efforts I put in!

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The Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – review day 2

Millionaire MindThe Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – Day 2.

Today, I felt like leaving the seminar! Not that it was bad, but simply that my subconscious mind (my paradigm) feels threatened by the information. I wrote earlier that one of the roles of the subconscious mind is to leave things unchanged. The subconscious fears the unknown and it prefers to keep me in my current safer position. What my heart is telling me to do is to TEACH! That’s a really strong feeling that I’ve been feeling for a long time but because I’m ignoring the calling, I felt like I was in this seminar for no reason. What’s the use of being here if I don’t apply the theory? My mind is just telling me to act or to leave, not to stay and keep taking in more information.

Still, because I’m more and more aware of my own defence mechanisms, I knew it was the most important time to stay. So I’m glad I did. I had a similar experience at the Millionaire Mind seminar where I was bored and I didn’t see the point in staying but it definitely paid off to stay until the end.

The Q&A lunch with Bob Proctor wasn’t as useful as I expected. First of all, I was expecting it to me more intimate… but there were 180 people! We could write questions on little cards and Bob answered a few of them. I know that I can’t compare this to Matrixx where there were only 50 participants in total and I got 3 or 4 chances to speak with Bob for 5 to 10 minutes. But still, I was a little disappointed.

In the afternoon session, there was a guest comedian, Kyle Cease, who was really good! He also offered his own seminar which I would definitely attend if I wasn’t so short on money right now. Anik Singal from the Inbox Blueprint was there too and it was interesting to hear him talk. I didn’t purchase his program but it’s always good to meet the person and know that they really exist!

There is only 1 day left to the seminar! I feel much more positive now and I hope this will be my breakthrough day!
