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Language of the Universe – Learning to use the Law of Attraction

Do you speak the Language of the Universe?

First of all, what is this language? Is it music? Mathematics? In a way, it is, but the common denominator to both is “vibration”. We all have a native language which we use to communicate with others. Well, things have a language too! They use vibration to attract or repel each other. Put two drops of water side by side and they’ll attract, because they are on the same vibrational level. Put a drop of water and a drop of oil next to each other, they’ll repel, because there are on a different vibrational level. This also works for different states of water. If you take water in its liquid form and add energy to it, it will become steam, which is a name we came up with to describe water in a higher vibrational level. Einstein knew that too! The famous equation E=mc² illustrates how energy is related to matter. In a way, matter is simply “frozen” energy, or energy at a low vibrational level.

Language of the Universe

Now, how do you use the Language of the Universe to communicate? As with the two drops of water which attract each other, you need to be on the same vibrational level of the things you want to attract. The higher your vibrational level, the easier it is to attract what you want. You can read my post on Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations to learn how to raise your vibrational level. The word to express the vibrational level of the body is: “feeling”. If you “feel” good, that’s because you are in a positive vibrational level and you are in a state that will attract more of the situation you are in. But the Universe doesn’t make the difference between negative and positive. Therefore, if you are in a negative vibrational level, or if you “feel” bad, you will also attract more of the same. When you realize that, you also understand the importance of shortening the periods of negative vibrations and to extend the positive ones.

I hope you find this explanation useful!

As always, let me know your thoughts on that!