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What is Reiki?

I recently had my follow up session after my reiki initiation 3 months ago. I talk a lot about the subconscious mind (I even wrote a book on it!) but I don’t talk a lot about my weekly reiki. The other students and I talked a little bit about our experience on sharing our interest in reiki with people around us and we all concluded that it’s too bad so few people are interested by it. I see the incredible benefits it does for me and I wish that everybody could take advantage from it. After some sessions, I could breathe a lot better (and I’ve never had any problems breathing), some other sessions, my stamina suddenly increased tremendously and many times, after leaving my reiki session, the colours outside seemed brighter and more vivid. It’s a similar experience to the first time I wore glasses: I had a large grin across my face, discovering the world, realizing everything was much more detailed than what I originally saw. I was astounded that I could perceive the definition of the leaves in the trees! But back to the main topic, what is reiki exactly?

what is reikiWhen you do reiki, your therapist cleanses the subtle energies you are surrounded by. Everybody is familiar with the concept of the “personal bubble” and we all have already felt the discomfort when someone steps in too close. This is because we’re made out of several energy layers that we don’t see, but that we can feel if we pay attention. When I attended Bob Proctor’s Matrixx, there was an energy healer present and they did a demonstration together. It was quite impressive to see the effects of Bob’s energy field 10 feet away from him. So, by doing reiki regularly, you clean your subconscious mind of all the junk that you don’t even know is there. As I wrote before, 95% of our thoughts and actions are controlled by our subconscious mind! Read my article on How the Mind Works if you want to know more. Or you can even consider getting my book My Sweet Beloved Subconscious Mind if you are as passionate about the topic as I am!

So doing reiki is very important for me because there is no way I can become aware of all the subconscious beliefs that I need to improve in order to live a better life. Reiki therefore helps me move beyond those beliefs without having to consciously uncover each one of them. It’s like a fast forward button that allows you to grow faster and that you can combine with any other personal development exercise or training you might already have.

My reiki therapist in Quebec is Frédéric Noël and his website is in French only.

My reiki therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area was Stacey Butcher and you can visit her website here.

Follow this link to read my other articles on the Subconscious Mind.