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How to develop a sustainable motivation?

Developing a sustainable motivation is crucial. It’s easy to get excited about an idea or a project, but what really matters is the endurance and the long term efforts we will invest in it. There is a quote from Zig Ziglar that says: ““People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” While this is true and makes a lot of sense, how do you find the motivation to do something daily?

I believe the problems stems from the length of time it takes for efforts to produce results. If you’d know that you’ll get the final results after a week of doing something, like reaching your perfect weight, it would be fairly easy to drag yourself to the gym. When you realize that you’ll need to put in a month of efforts, then the incentive is not a strong to keep up the pace. And when you realize that it really is a lifestyle change that you need, and that you’ll need to exercise your entire life to stay fit, then the motivation has completely disappeared.Sustainable motivation

Alternatively, motivation coming from the outside such as hiring a personal trainer, hearing and inspiring speech, or even coming from friends, will eventually wear out. So, in order for motivation to stick with you, it needs to come from the INSIDE. You need to become your own personal motivator that stays with you ALL THE TIME. How do you do that? What you need is personal recorded affirmations. Take a recording device (I use my cell phone) to record the message of what you want to achieve. Record it in the presence tense such as: “I am so happy and grateful now that I go to the gym every day and that I weight __ pounds or less.”

Play that at least 10 times a day for an entire month and these thoughts will be ingrained in your brain and will never leave!

Let me know how this works for you!
